Man, I really do love Christmas. The disappointing part is that it seems to get less and less special each year. It loses its magicalness. Maybe because Santa's not really part of Christmas before. Maybe because I don't get a hundred toys that I end up playing with only for a day. Maybe it's because Christmas break used to seem like it would last forever and now it comes and goes in a snap. I really do miss my childhood Christmases.
But I am certainly enjoying this Christmas this year. Right now I'm in Iowa with my dad's side of the family. Last year I didn't get to come, so I'm really loving it. You know, we're not really doing that much. Just sitting around and hanging out, but it's still great. We went to my grandma's yesterday and celebrated our Christmas meal and opened gifts. Today we're at my Uncle's house just chillin, talkin, watchin football. We also decided to try an old recipe for klub (pronounced kloob). It's an ancient Norwegian dish of potatoes and ham. It's freakin delicious! But it took forever and a day to prep and cook.
Gifts I've given: gas card.
Gifts I've received: Texas Road house gift card (including a bucket of Texas Road house peanuts and that sweet metal can, and a gift certificate for a free appetizer). A card and check from my aunt, and another card and check from my uncle. A bond from my Grandma. A book "Do Hard Things." A David Crowder album: Church Music. Some underarmor type stuff. Gift card to blockbuster and microwave popcorn. Thermal jeans. Skittles. A letter. Boggle. My guitar fixed (don't have it yet, but it's almost done). I think that's it.
Is it better to give than to receive? Well, I love the gifts I have received. I do feel crappy about not getting gifts for anybody. And I feel really thankful, blessed, indebted, and undeserving when I think about all the money people have spent on gifts for me over the years. Like from my parents are relatives who have spent money on me every year. It adds up man. I love getting gifts, but I just feel bad when I receive gift after gift, year after year.