This is my last week of school. I'm allowed to leave Monday after I finish my finals. I'm not really sure what my problem is, but I haven't really been able to accomplish much school work lately. At the same time, my devotional time, prayer life, and just hanging out time have all vanished. I really do not know what I'm so busy doing, but it's sure doing a good job of keeping me occupied. I'm trying my hardest to get working on my homework and studying for finals, but it's tough work.
I'm really discouraged because my homework has become a chore. I wanted to take these classes as a way to increase my knowledge of God, and to help me learn how to grow closer to my Maker. It's come to the point where I'm just doing the work to get it done... just to get a grade. I'm not really sure how I got in this mind-set, but it really sucks and I can't seem to get out of it.
I came here assuming this would be easy as pie to get to know my Abba, but it's just a huge struggle. I'm not sure if it's the people I surround myself with, or my own sin issues, or my lack of desire or whatever... but I'm just kind of stuck in a rut.
That would be lack of self-discipline. We all struggle with that! If someone came to you and asked your advice on this situation, what would you say?I think satan is using that to get you down. Pray about it..I will pray specifically for this issue for you , too.
Maybe you just miss your mommy too much.
I know what you mean i kind of feel the same way. That is why I'll go in the back of the lodge or not take a nap so that i can study in peace and really think about what i am reading. Anyways, just let me know if I am distracting you and I'll leave. I want you to grow closer to God as much as I want to. Remember to pray and ask that God helps you through these times, it will make all the difference.
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