Friday, December 11, 2009

Genesis 2

I just began reading through the Bible and I've hit a dry spot already. By that I don't mean that I've stopped reading. I mean I've hit a verse that I just can't get past. Genesis 2:3. All the commentaries I've read talk about it as God setting an example for us, just showing how important the Sabbath is. But I just feel like there's more to it than that. But I just don't know. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Lord is a lot smarter than we humans are. First, He rested, how many of us take a whole day to rest? How many of us could use a day to rest? I am just a lay woman, who only knows the Bible from 21 years of being a Christian. I think science is really seeing the need for our bodies to rest and relax. We go, go, go, and never rest or even relect on what we have done, good or bad.
I like the name of your blog. Sums up my father-in-love!! : )
Good luck on your journeys with the Lord, and don't forget to chilax!! : ) jackie