So lastnight I decided to smash my finger in this here ping pong table and rip it open. Since I'm in the middle of nowhere, it took 20 minutes to get to the hospital, an hour to wait in the ER, another hour to get XRays, and another hour to wait to get stitched up (9 numbing shots, 5 stitches), then an hour for them to sign us out. Rediculous. It hurt pretty bad. Not a pleasant night. So the ping pong table pic is the general area I pinched it it, i'm not positive exaclt where, but i think it was bewtween that black and gray part. The tomato soup looking pic is a styrofoam cup of soapy water that they had me soak my finger in for 2 hours. Then the other 2 are the best pics I have of it my sick finger. These pics were taken on my phone, so they suck pretty bad. It was worse than it looks in the pics too. My buddy, El Suavo, is the lucky man that took me to the hostable. He got to sit in that chair for 3 hours. What a night. I gotta get the stitches out in 10 days. It doesn't really limit what I do, I'm just afraid of hitting it on something... i know it would hurt so bad. But that's about the whole story. Man it bled like a beast and hurt like a doctor. Can't wait to get the stitches out.
really Tony....only you.....
quit whining!
Awesome man!!!! Looks like fun!!! :-D Hey I got a new blog finally!!! So add me you bum
Geez Louise, what some people will do for attention! I can totally tell you've been hanging out with Duey again. If you look closely, you can see that they are actually in the youth room, posing like the "emergency room". And the "cut" is peeling up in the lower left corner where they didn't get all of the glue on the fake wound right. Pitiful. I expect better from you!
Hey Tone,
I like that last picture your finger completely covers your beard. Nice.
Well your mother cannot wait to get her hands on you and wait on you hand (get it hand) and foot....
Man vs. Ping Pong
Ping Pong always wins......
awe poor baby...suck it up.NO i'm jk it looks like it hurts real bad i feel for you i can show you my sick scar from when i smashed my finger in a door
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