Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Read Please

I'm tired of spending hours struggling through reading the Bible, trying to focus. To help me focus, I downloaded readplease. It's a text to speech program. I go to and copy the chapters I need to read and paste them in this free program. Man, did it help me focus. And it was entertaining when it read words wrong (like pronouncing "wind" with a short i instead of a long i, and pronouncing Ananias wrong... very funny). It took some time to read through what was needed, but I actually could focus in and hear what I was reading, so it's kinda like reading it twice. I got exposed to the reading through 2 senses instead of one. Quite helpful, indeed!

(and for those of you that know, I tried the big fat cyst, and the piss piss piss... and it was funnier than ever!)


Anonymous said...

that last part made me lol

Unknown said...

Im glad you found a way to help you read and understand the Love letter from God. And I liked the last part too.

Anonymous said...

I believe it was big fat HAIRY cyst.