Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Practicing God's Presence

Reading through Lousy T-shirt, I came across the chapter entitled "Monk." It's about Antonucci reading books by monks. One in particular stuck out to me, for I had read some of it at NBI: The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence.

The main idea of that book is that God is constantly with us, and it was Brother Lawrence's goal to always be aware of God's presence in his life. Strangely enough, lately I have been becoming more aware of God's presence in my life. But it's not enough. I want it more. I find myself getting more and more excited about being in love with God (when in the past, that sounded like such a weird, slightly gross thing). I find myself wanting more and more to read God's word, and other people's words about God. Anything to help me get closer to Him, and anything to help me become more like the man I should be.

It's exciting to me.

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