Thursday, December 13, 2007


Sigh. Not a sigh of relief. A sigh of frustration. I got all of my tests and finals and quizzes and everything done. Man, was today a long day. Doing school work from 830-800. Mostly testing too. Sounds good that I'm done, but I've got one more piece of crap lingering in my school-life. Tomorrow by 6pm I need to have my math final emailed to my teacher. It's 25 pages long and I need to scan it into my computer. I scanned it in page by page into one document. I send it, but my email says the attachment is to large to send. I just spent a half hour scanning this and now it says i cant send it. I tried compressing it, converting it, saving it differently. Nothing worked. How can I email 25 pages worth of a document? its like 2500KB. I'm just pissed that I'm not done after this 12 hour day.

1 comment:

Jon said...

So, did you ever get it done and turned in?