I realized last night that I am in love with God's creation. If it's cloudy, I love looking at the different cloud formations. If it's raining, I love hearing it beat down on my roof. If it's snowing, I love drifting in it. If it's lightning out, I love having epileptic seizures from it. If it's tornado-ing, I love chasing them. If it's hot out, I love just standing there and letting the sun cook me, it feels great. If it's windy out, I love walking in it.
I love looking at the stars. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. I love climbing trees. I absolutely love sunsets. I love standing on top of mountains. I love flying through the sky. I love swimming in the lake. I love rafting down the rapids. I love walking in the coolness of the night. I love climbing on the rock formations of the Eau Claire Dells.
Then I see things that man has created, only because God gifted them to do so. I love walking through the school's courtyard, with all the lights lined up, and seeing just a few stars poke through the bright lights. I love seeing the Chicago skyline lit up at night. I love going into new churches and seeing the original architecture. And nothing feels better than sitting down in the driver's seat of a car.
Everything I've got--no matter if it's natural or man-made-- I know it's only because of God. I know it's not the case, but sometimes it seems like God put this stuff here just for me... those stars are there just for my enjoyment (guess that's the selfish side of me). I just really enjoy everything God has made, I thank Him so much for it all.
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