Not that I feel fine saying this, but I've had a crappy prayer life (ok, nonexistant) most of my life. Just recently I've made an effort to actually talk to God. Long story short... I'm just seeing how powerful prayer really is. It's just awesome to see the things that happen when you bring things to God and depend on Him.
My new prayer method is A.C.T.S. Whenever I pray, I go through A.C.T.S. and it helps me focus a lot. And I write it all down, it's so cool looking back in your journal and seeing how God is faithful. In case you don't know, A.C.T.S. stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Basically, when I pray, I start of by giving praise to God (God's good, great, holy, perfect, etc.). Then I confess my sins... this part sucks to be honest. Then I thank God for the things and people He's given me, and other things He's helped with. Then I go to supplication... I ask for a supply: its just where I can ask for whatever. Just to help myself get in the habit of doing each part, I list 10 things of each... no more, no less. I really take my time when I do it (up to like 2 hours) but thats mostly because the Adoration part is really hard.
Another part that I love... I tell people I will pray for them... and I actually do. Before, it's not like i would intentionally not pray for them, It's just I forgot and didn't pray much. But it's so cool being able to pray for other people and see God work in their lives.
Yey Jesus.