YEP! So I'm planning on giving some guitar lessons this year. Right now I'm giving Ivy lessons, but several others have said they want to learn. I like giving lessons. It helps me figure out better ways to teach, and it helps me get to know the person better, it helps me get better at guitar, and it helps me learn to encourage and compliment more (i really slack at encouragement). So I'm pretty excited to teach some more guitar.
Also, I've decided to start learning to play the guitar the super cool way. Not sure what it's called, but its how Matt Wilhelm plays, with the guitar flat on your lap and you just hammer down. I've only been trying for a few days, but I'm getting it, and it's a blast. Jon, you're going to be so jealous when I head out there and show you my new skills.
I'm jealous! Once you learn how to play that way, teach me!
thanks for teaching, since i lived with you for only like 17 years or so.
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