I've been thinking lately about the character Creep. The character Creep is from a book I read this summer with Jon, a book called "Deadly Viper." The idea behind this character is that everything creeps into your life. Things don't happen overnight. If I remember correctly, the book talked about how sins and evil creep in. Lately I've been thinking how the character creep can be good.
You know when you go to camp during the summer, and you get that great spiritual high, then you go home and it's gone quicker than you got it? Yeah, everybody knows what I'm talkin about. When I think of my grandpa, Henry Nelson, I think of a man with a life in spiritual high mode. He loved God so much, you could just see His love pour out through him. He didn't get that way overnight, at a camp during the summer when he was a teenager. It was a life-process. He slowly grew in spiritual maturity and closeness with Christ.
Some people have their life-changing experiences, maybe a car crash, a house fire, or some other near-death experience that changes their life forever. But for the 99% who that doesn't happen to, I think we need to remember the character creep. Everything creeps into your life. That one sin you've been stuck in for years, you gonna let it creep in deeper? That dusty bible on your bookshelf, will you let that creep into your life?
You pick what creeps in. What do you pick next?
its nice to see that Grampa Nelson is in your thoughts! He would be so proud of you!
I like it. To a large degree you DO pick who and what you will become. What are you allowing? Love you man. Keep moving forward.
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