Motivation. One of the few qualities I lack (I'm pretty awesome all around). Something was different about today. I was just unusually motivated. A few things I don't normally do that I did today: got up earlier than 2 minutes before class started, ate 3 meals, jogged, resist-a-band training, showered (i did actually shower today, shocking? Believe it!), devotional, blogged. I don't really do any of those too often, except for showering. I don't really know where this motivation is coming from, especially after having such a crappy sleep last night. Still today there's more things I wanna do that I don't normally do: I wanna write in my prayer journal, I wanna dive into the word just on my own and read it, I wanna make my bed (doesn't seem special, but i think it speaks a lot if somebody makes there bed), I wanna start my hw earlier than the day before its due.
I think this might be from my Spiritual Formation class I took at the beginning of the month. It's a really motivating and encouraging class. We've been out of the class for like a week and I've changed nothing in my life, until today. I really want to keep doing what I'm doing today. It's like an insane energy boost going about life like this. I love it. YEAH!
Sounds like a delayed reaction . Some things just take a while, and then when you are ready..when GOd thinks you are ready..boom..you actually get going.
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