Sunday, January 31, 2010

Do Hard Things

As I was coming to the end of “Through Painted Deserts” by Don Miller, I remembered a book I got for Christmas that I thought would be a good read after I finished Painted Deserts. That was about a week ago, and I’m now on like chapter three of “Do Hard Things” by Alex and Brett Harris. That phrase “Do hard things” has been pounding on even before I began reading. “To Save a Life” (great film, go see it) was the movie I saw two Fridays ago that began this “do hard things” annoyance.

Yeah, I really do mean annoyance. That phrase has been popping up in my mind multiple times a day, and so far I haven’t given in. I haven’t done anything hard. But it’s starting to get harder to resist. In all actuality, some things that I thought were hard before aren’t really turning out to look so hard.

For instance, I’m really bothered when I see somebody eating lunch in the dining hall alone. Maybe it’s because I know what it’s like to be lonely, it feels terrible, and I don’t really want other people to have to experience it. Every single time I eat here, I find somebody who’s eating alone. Not because I’m looking for them, my eyes just wander and they pop up. “Do hard things” comes to mind. Crap. Now I either have to do something that scares me (yes, I’m scared to go up to a random stranger and strike up a conversation), or I have to live with the guilt of being a pansy.

Like I said, so far I’ve been able to resist doing the hard things. I need prayer and encouragement to do hard things, though. It’s tough doing hard things—heck, it’s tough doing easy things (when you’re as lazy as me). I’m ready to join the rebelution, though.

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