Today I was reminded, yet again, at what a complete failure I am. In my Teaching the Bible class, we had to give a teeny tiny presentation today. It was only supposed to be like a minute or two long. We had to share two sermon topics, and a verse or passage to support it, and briefly give a summary of the message. I thought to myself "Eh, no problem. I got this covered. Simple stuff." And I actually pretty much had it all planned out in my head. Then I stand in front of my class (which has only like 5 or 6 other students) and my mind goes psycho. I start talking, and I cannot control the words coming out of my mouth. They are not the words I intended, and they don't even really have anything to do with what I originally wanted to say. The whole time I'm speaking (seems like I was up for like an hour just babbling), my teacher has this just completely confused look on his face.
I don't know what my problem is. I guess I'm still afraid of standing up and speaking in front of people, even if it's half a dozen people. I'm tellin you... what I was going to say would have just been solid... but instead I just got up and crapped my pants and mindlessly babbled. Winging it is not my thing yet I suppose...
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