I have a plan to memorize the book of Galatians, and I have two friends who are joining me. We are just going straight through verse by verse. We're on verse 5 right now. We've been giving ourselves 3 days to memorize the verse, but it just seems too easy. We're gonna bump it up to two days per verse. There's 145 verses in the book, so looks like we'll be finishing around November, unless we bump it up to a verse a day, which we may do sometime soon. I really love the book of Galatians.
Thats my good news. My bad news is that I also have a read-through-the-bible-in-a-year plan. That's not going well. Today I'm supposed to have up through Leviticus 7 in the OT and Matthew 27 finished. I'm at Genesis 27 and Matthew 7. I'm about a week behind.
Also, this semester I've got 4 bible classes and 1 music class. I really have no desire to take Gen Eds at all. I just want Bible classes. That's it. I don't want to pay freakin 900 bucks to take a math class or a science class. I just want de Bible. You know?
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