So I've got three classes as of right now. My three teachers all said something like this: "This year at Nicolet, our primary goal is not that you learn a lot. Our primary goal is not that you would make new friends, or memorize the bible, or become like a "super christian." Our goal is that you grow in Christ. If you treat everything here like you're regular classes, where you rush through the hw, and study only if you have to, then you know... you get out of it what you put into it. You pour your heart into it, and bring God into all of the studying, then you will grow. If you choose to seek God, seek to know him, seek to understand him, then you will."
On the first day I was here, I was telling somebody that I heard there was a ton of hw. I remember saying "I usually fly through hw without a problem, and I never study." Man.. now I'm at the point where I know this year will suck if I rush through my hw, and dont study. At this moment, I've gotta make the desicion to commit to working my hardest and commit to seeking God. I have made that commitment.
Honestly, I really dont want to make it, because I'm lazy. Because there's other stuff that right now I deem more important, more enjoyable. Also, because I'm scared of the change that I know will come. Reguardless, I'm going to chase after God this year. I've got plans to help me along the way when I get lazy and scared and all that mumbo jumbo. Pray for me guys, that I stick to those plans. Pray that God would keep chasing after me and shout at me when I'm not listening. Thanks.
Field trip
8 years ago
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